Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Is A Whore?

Now, what exactly is it that makes someone a whore? Everyone has their differing views. Some view me as a whore because I have a sexual relationship with my boyfriend when I am not yet legally divorced. I don't see this as wrong. Is a whore just someone having multiple partners? Is it someone having multiple partners without protecting themselves? Is it someone that isn't married, but having a sexual relationship? Is sex even really something that is only to be done within the sanctity of a legal marriage?
Here are my views. You are classified as a "whore" to me when you have multiple sexual relations (especially with those that you do not know well or are random encounters) and you fail to protect yourself from pregnancy and STD. Meeting with random people that you don't even know, just to have sex is not a safe and healthy decision. I don't care if you can't have children. People who have had their tubes tied in the past have ended up with those "miracle babies". Not to mention that there is more than pregnancy to be concerned with. Not all STD's are treatable with a round of antibiotics. Some are permanent. There is no cure for AIDS. Some cause cancer. There are varying forms of HPV and no way to tell which men are carriers. If the ones that are treatable are left alone for too long, they can cause PID. 
Do I believe that sex should only be done within the sanctity of a marriage. No. To me, sex is something natural. BUT, if I'm not with one monogamous partner, I make sure that not only am I on birth control, but I'm also using a barrier protection as well. I also make sure that I have regular PAP and STD tests. Now, don't take this wrong. I'm not saying that I have many partners, but in the past, I did. But I always took action to protect myself. 
So, in short, to me: A whore is someone who has multiple partners within a short period of time that does not use protection. Especially when these sexual partners are people that you meet from the internet for just the purpose of having sex. You don't know these people. You don't know their sexual history. You don't know their mental history. You are putting yourself in a bad situation all the way around. Here is something to think on, especially if you aren't protecting yourself from pregnancy: "Is this someone that I want to have a child with" and "How will I feel about myself if I become pregnant and can't identify who the child's father is". 

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