Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Too Soon?

How soon is too soon to get married? How soon is too soon to plan children? These are a couple things that I have been battling. People are telling me that I'm nuts for planning to marry my Love. I see nothing wrong with planning our wedding. I know that we've only been together for seven months, but it just feels right. There have been people that have had life long relationships when they've only known the person for days. I see nothing wrong with planning a wedding for shortly after one year. It's love. It feels right. It's not like we're total strangers, we had a friendship prior to our relationship. He feels as if he is my best friend and the relationship...activities are just a bonus! Lol. And, yes, we are planning on having children. We aren't preventing and we aren't trying. If it happens then it's meant to be. The higher power out there has a plan and if we're meant to have a child, it's going to happen no matter what prevention we use. Everything happens for a reason. This is all showing me who my true friends are. I've had people abandon me over the fact that I love being a step parent and will put the child before "going out". I've had people totally disrespect me over the fact that I plan to marry my Love so soon after a divorce. I'm not asking for you to totally agree with me. I'm your friend, I'm asking your support in what I choose. I don't always agree with what my friends do, but I don't ditch or disrespect them over it either. Ugh. So, yeah, this is just a random 5 AM rant. Stuff that has been on my mind for a while. Feel free to add your two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I do not think it is too soon. but you need your divorce finalized first =D. Brian may be better then ken by a long shot, but i wouldn't rush it. i mean you don't want to regret this marriage a year in either. but i guess if your sure, you're sure then do it. i always will fully support anything that makes you happy...uless you get thrill out of hurting animals/people and other really illegal activity...i can't support that. sorry<3
    ps. i only knew johnathon for a month and a half before having his kid...i have no room to talk. lololol. so if i can have a kid after a month and a half you can get married after seven months crazy spontanous things happen and that is whern you jump with out looking what fun is life if you dont do that in life. where would the thrill in living be then?
