Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Purpose of Child Support

This is by no means directed at anyone. This is a generalized rant based on what I see on Facebook all the time from single moms. What is child support actually for? To me, it's for the care of the child. This includes clothing, shoes, household bills, gas for your vehicle, school fees, and things of that nature. What is child support not for? For you to get you hair done, your nails done, buy a new wardrobe, go out drinking, buy cigarettes, well you get the point, right? I mean come on! If your child has very few diapers left, but it's more important for you to get your nails filled, you need to prioritize. I should not look at your Facebook on Thursday and see "can't wait for child support so I can go drinking with the girls tonight" just to look at it on Monday and see a post saying "anyone got $10 I can borrow, I need diapers". Your child should come before anything "extra". You don't need your hair died, you don't need acrylic nails, you don't need cigarettes. Your child should have everything that they need before you take care of your wants.

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