Monday, March 7, 2011

In Denial

As someone going through a divorce, I can honestly say, breaking up your family and finding that the love you once had is gone really, really f*cking sucks! BUT, the best thing to do is accept it, cope and move on. Don't live in denial that it's happening. It's just going to hurt worse than you could imagine. I've let go, coped and moved on. Hurtful things were done and said, but it's over.
Why hold on when I know that they're in love with and being with someone else? It hurts to let go, but it's for the best. If you love someone enough, then you want them to be happy, even if it's not with you. Things won't be "worked out" when they've been in ruin for so long. Don't hold on to a "till death do us part vow" and create a hostile environment for your children. It's not going to work if only one person is working on the relationship and when one person puts forth all the effort for years then gives up I don't blame them. What the inactive party needs to realize is, yes, after all these years, it is too late to start putting in that effort. The effort should have been done mutually instead of someone realizing, "Oh sh*t, now they want a divorce. Guess I better try to fix this".

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