Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Disgusts Me

Something that really, really bothers me. Abortion as a birth control method. As of late I have seen/met SO many girls that have decided that their method of birth control is abortion. This disgusts me. In Lorain County (where most of these girls are from) there are many birth control methods and other preventatives available at little to no cost. Instead they choose to take the chance at getting pregnant and then put forth larger sums of money to kill the child growing inside of them. Now my personal views are not COMPLETELY pro-life. I label myself as more of pro-circumstance. I believe abortion is justified in rape and medical reasoning. Yes, I do believe that an abortion is taking a life. What bothers me the most is, why is whatever higher power is out there, letting these girls who are constantly killing their babies repeatedly get pregnant? Then there is me. Someone who wants a child, who has suffered eight miscarriages and knows that it is likely that I will never carry a child. If you don't want kids, why not go to Family Planning. They don't ask for proof if you work, so if you really can't afford it, DON'T TELL THEM THAT YOU WORK! Then the services AND birth control are COMPLETELY FREE. Further more, Lorain County Family Planning has partnered with select pharmacies to offer the morning after pill at a lower cost when it's outside of Family Planning hours. Why does abortion seem to be such a popular answer to unwanted pregnancies that could be prevented? I'm sorry, but these women who do that are DISGUSTING to me.

1 comment:

  1. I fully agree. Thank you for having the guts to say it like it is.
