Friday, April 8, 2011

Pathetic Loser

Men who create children that they cannot care for. This is disgusting. When you already have three, one lives in another state and you aren't even allowed contact with your other two unsupervised because of a sexual offense where you did something to one of them, why did you create another life to bring into this world? And trying to convince the mother to "let you send money" in lieu of paying child support? You don't support the ones that you have, why would you support this new child? You're so far behind in child support that you will probably never have your driver's license back. You're pathetic. You're 30 years old, you have never had a tax paying job, you went for a 20 year old fresh out of a relationship who was hurting. You left her, stole her shit, and had no plans of coming back or ever contacting her again. But, guess what! She's pregnant and now you're going to pay for this child or face the legal repercussions.

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